The Somers Point Business Association (SPBA) announced its new “Support Local” campaign to help support those businesses during the state shutdown for the coronavirus outbreak.
The campaign will begin on Facebook, and then extend to print and other advertising vehicles in the future.
“Somers Point is a special community, and though we cannot socially gather, we can still connect as one by supporting one another during this shutdown,” said Chuck Westcott, SPBA president. “We are launching Support Local to promote the business that are currently open, and to remind people to support those that are temporarily closed.”
Westcott added, “The Somers Point businesses that are offering takeout, hardware, pharmacy, liquor, and more are the ones that provide jobs to our residents, pay taxes to the city, and give us a sense of community. They have been there for us in the past, so we need to support them now.”
Member businesses that would like to promote their services, coupons, menus and more can email spbamarketing@gmail.com.
The SPBA is an organization that brings together businesses and professionals interested in the promotion, improvement, development and advancement of the business climate of Somers Point. The SPBA hosts monthly meetings on relevant and timely business issues.
The SPBA is linked with the Ocean City Chamber of Commerce, providing business support on both the state and federal levels.
For more information on the Somers Point Business Association or to become a member, visit www.somerspointba.org.