Local children participated in the annual Carole Schiavo Kids Swim for Health held July 5 at Mainland Recreation Association in Linwood.
The 66 participants completed 6,454 laps, which resulted in raising more than $7,000 for the Auxiliary of Shore Medical Center.
Swimmers solicited pledges from the community, which were based on how many laps they swam. At a pizza party held after the event, Shore Memorial Auxiliary President Brenda Martello thanked all of the MRA swimmers for taking part in the annual fundraiser and told the kids they have inspired her to add swimming laps to her fitness regime.
The pizza party for the swimmers and their families was compliments of Shore partners La Pizza Tega, Manco and Manco, Pizza City along with ShopRite.
Named in memory of the late Carole Schiavo, who chaired the event for many years, the event has raised more than $300,000 since it began.
Auxiliary of Shore Medical Center is Shore’s original fundraising organization. The Auxiliary is made up of dedicated volunteers who work throughout the year on initiatives that include the hospital gift shop, thrift shops, golf tournaments and other community events.
To learn more or join the Auxiliary of Shore Medical Center, call 609-653-4646 or visit GiveToShore.org.