Enjoy the Holidays in Somers Point

Santa will be available for photos in the park. (photo credit www.woodbridgecenter.com.)

Paint for Patcong Creek Party

Saturday, November 24 – 5-9 p.m.

Patcong Creek Foundation

Enjoy an evening of wining and dining while getting ready for the giving season at the Patcong Creek Foundation’s Paint for Patcong Creek Party.

Paint crab backs and turn them into ornaments. All supplies, food, and beverages will be included.

Paint for Patcong Creek Party will take place at the Seashore Science Center. Admission is $25 for adults and $10 for children.

Somers Point Holiday Parade & Float Competition

Friday, December 7 – 5:30 p.m.

On Friday, December 7, the Somers Point Holiday Parade is starts at 5:30 p.m. For the third year in a row, the Somers Point Community Education & Recreation (CER) Office will be hosting a float contest as part of the parade.

The parade begins at Dawes Avenue and continues along Shore Road to City Hall, 1 W. New Jersey Ave., where a festive ceremony will take place and complimentary refreshments will be served, courtesy of Sturdy Savings Bank.

Mayor Jack Glasser will serve as the parade’s Grand Marshal, and Volunteer Fire Companies 1 and 2 will escort Santa Claus to City Hall where children can meet him inside for pictures and treats. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information or to participate in the parade or float contest, call the CER Office at 609-927-2053, ext. 3101 or visit www.somerspointfun.com.

Saturday, December 8 6 p.m.

Holiday Porch Performances

Gather at 37 Somers Avenue in Somers Point at 6 p.m. for Act One of a quirky & humorous rendition of Charles Dickens’ beloved holiday tale, “A Christmas Carol,” performed by The Riddlesbrood Players.

Then they will visit other porches in the Bayfront Historic District for the remaining acts with the evening culminating at Gregory’s Restaurant, 900 Shore Road, where light holiday refreshments will be served. This is a free event, and all are welcome to attend.

Santa Visits to Your Home

Somers Point Fire Co. No. 2

Would you like to surprise your kids with a knock on your front door from Santa? If you live in Somers Point. you can schedule Santa to visit your home before Christmas Day.

The first appointments are being scheduled starting December 1. E-mail firesanta1234@aol.com and provide your phone number, e-mail address and preferred visitation date and time.