Get Ready for Flood Insurance Discounts in Somers Point

Somers Point property owners can virtually attend a flood insurance webinar on May 18.

By Maddy Vitale

Somers Point property owners will see a 20 percent discount in their National Flood Insurance Program policies May 1, Councilman Howard Dill explained at a City Council meeting Thursday night.

According to city officials, flood insurance policies insure $221 million in property and paid more than $806,000 premiums in 2018.  The discount will result in a savings of $160,000 to the 951 property owners with federal flood insurance.

By next spring, city officials are hoping for an additional 5 percent discount, which would amount to about $40,000 more in savings, Dill, a member of the Master Plan Steering Committee said. The city has already applied to FEMA for the additional discount.

Savings are determined through a Community Rating System. Currently, the city is a Class 6 in the ratings and hopes to become a Class 5, resulting in the 25 percent discount.

The city can earn points and improve its ratings through public information, warning and response, mapping and flood damage reduction. City Council adopted a Watershed Management Plan, something Dill said, is important to achieving a better rating.

According to Dill, Somers Point and Sea Isle are the only communities in the state to have completed   Watershed Management Plan requirements.

“People worked hard for this,” Dill said.

Also, on the agenda, was a resolution honoring the Somers Point Parents’ Club. Families filled council chambers to be honored for their efforts to bring the community together.

In a resolution introduced by Councilman Ron Meischker members were recognized for their efforts to organizes activities and public service projects for its members and the community.

Members of the Somers Point Parents’ Club are recognized for their work. Councilman James Toto (blue shirt) and to his left; Councilman Ron Meischker, present some of the members with a resolution at a city council meeting Thursday.

The organization which has grown to more than 100 members, was formed with the intention of connecting Somers Point parents and children who attend public and private schools as well as those who are home schooled, the resolution states.

On March 25 parents and children in the club made 130 Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich lunches, including snacks and drinks, which were distributed at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission.

“This is a relatively new organization, but very active in what they are doing. Any time a group gets together in Somers Point and does something good seems to come out of it,” Meischker noted. “This is a perfect example of what makes Somers Point great.”

Council President Sean McGuigan echoed Meischker’s sentiments.

“It is a strong organization and our community is only as strong as the groups in it. It is good for the community to come together like this,” McGuigan said.

Members commended for their efforts in making lunches to give to the rescue mission and for doing something positive for their community are follows; Jennifer Kinch, Thomas Kinch, Joshua Kinch, Joseph Kinch, Christine Garman, Kate Simpson, Todd Simpson, Natalie Simpson, Marley Simpson, Lisa Weiss, Anne Vanderijn, Melanie Wagner, Nicholas Wagner, Matthew Wagner, Isabela Wagner, Kristin Ostwald, Emma Ostwald, Rich Kaczmarski, Mia Kaczmarski, Madelyn Kaczmarski, Ryan Kaczmarski, Collen Ciron, Nolan Ciron, DJ Ciron, Jackie Ciron, Marisa Heib, Finley Heib, Emily Kinch and Kelly Simpson.

And City Council adopted an ordinance for a five-year lease of city property to the Somers Point Historical Society, 1 West Jersey Ave. The city has leased the space to the society for years with a payment to the city of $1 a year.